Publications Verkinderen
Peter Verkinderen. “Land reclamation and irrigation programs in Early Islamic Southern Mesopotamia: self-enrichment vs state control”. Authority and Control in the Countryside, Late Antiquity and Early Islam: Continuity and Change in the Mediterranean 6th-10th Century. Hg. M. Legendre, A. Delattre, P. Sijpesteijn. Studies in Late Antiquity and Early Islam, 25. Princeton: Darwin Press, forthcoming, S. forthcoming.
Hannah-Lena Hagemann, Katharina Mewes & Peter Verkinderen. “Studying Elites in Early Islamic History”. Transregional and Regional Elites: Connecting the Early Islamic Empire. Hg. Hannah-Lena Hagemann & Stefan Heidemann. Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East, Berlin: de Gruyter, forthcoming
Peter Verkinderen. Early Islamic Fars -Government and Administration . The Early Islamic Empire at Work Vol. 4. Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East, Berlin: De Gruyter, forthcoming.
Peter Verkinderen. “Taxing the Province - Taxation in Early Islamic Fārs”. 38. (forthcoming)
Simon Gundelfinger & Peter Verkinderen. “The Governors of al-Shām and Fārs in the Early Islamic Empire – A Comparative Regional Perspective”. Transregional and Regional Elites: Connecting the Early Islamic Empire. Hg. Hannah-Lena Hagemann & Stefan Heidemann (eds.). Studies in the History and Culture of the Middle East, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020
José Haro Peralta & Peter Verkinderen. ““Find for me!”: Building a context-based search tool using Python”. The Digital Humanities and Islamic & Middle East Studies. Hg. Elias Muhanna (ed.),. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2016
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Verkinderen, Peter. Waterways of Lower Iraq and Khuzistan. Changing Rivers and Landscapes in the Early Islamic Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris, 2015.
Heyvaert, V.M.A., Verkinderen, P., Walstra J.. “Geoarchaeological research in Lower Khuzestan: state of the art”. Susa and Elam. Archaeological, Philological, Historical and Geographical Perspectives. Hg. K. De Graef and J. Tavernier. Leiden: Brill, 2012
Regulski, I., Duistermaat, K., Verkinderen, P (Hg.). Seals and Sealing Practices in the Near East. Developments in Administration and Magic from Prehistory to the Islamic Period. Leuven: Peeters, 2012.
Heyvaert, V. M. A., Walstra, J., Verkinderen, P., Weerts, H., & Ooghe, B. “The role of human interference on the channel shifting of the Karkheh River in the Lower Khuzestan plain (Mesopotamia, SW Iran)”. Quarternary International 251/1. (2012): S. 52-63.
Walstra, J., Heyvaert, V. M. A. & Verkinderen,. “Mapping the Alluvial Landscapes of Lower Khuzistan”. Geomorphological Mapping: a professional handbook of techniques and applications. Hg. M. Smith, P. Paron, J. Griffiths. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 2011
Walstra, J., Heyvaert, V. M. A. & Verkinderen, P.. “Assessing human impact on alluvial fan development using satellite images: a multidisciplinary case-study from Lower Khuzestan (SW Iran)”. Geodinamica Acta 23/5-6. (2010): S. 267-285.
Walstra, J., Heyvaert, V. M. A. & Verkinderen, P.. “Reconstructing landscape evolution in the Lower Khuzestan plain (SW Iran): integrating images, historical and sedimentary archives”. Landscapes through the Lense. Hg. D. Cowley, R. Standring, M. Abicht. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2010, S. 111-128.
Walstra, J., Verkinderen, P.. “Remote Sensing for the Study of Fluvial Landscapes in Lower Khuzestan, SW Iran”. Proceedings of the RSPSoc 2009 Annual conference, Leicester 8 – 11 September 2009 (2009): S. 370-378.
Peter Verkinderen. Tigris, Euphrates, Karun, Karkhe, Jarrahi: Tracking the traces of 5 rivers in Lower Iraq and Khuzistan in the Early Islamic Period. Gent: Unpublished PhD Thesis, 2009.
Walstra, J., Verkinderen, P.. “Remote sensing for recording past landscapes of the Mesopotamian alluvial plain”. Proceedings of the 1st International EARSeL Workshop on Advances in Remote Sensing for Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Management, 30 September - 4 October 2008. Hg. R. Lasaponara, N. Masini. Rome: 2008, S. 379-382.
Peter Verkinderen. “Les toponymes bà et bà”. Akkadica 127/2. (2006): S. 109-122.
Peter Verkinderen. “Un shakkanakku de Der récouvert”. NABU 2005/2. (2005): S. 25f..
Peter Verkinderen. Dêr. Grenzen, goden, geschiedenis [Dêr. Borders, Gods, and History]. Gent: Unpublished MA Thesis, 2004.
Peter Verkinderen. Hesiodos’ Theogonie. Een analyse van de invloeden uit het Oude Nabije Oosten [Hesiod’s Theogony. An Analysis of the Influences from the Ancient Near East]. Gent: Unpublished MA Thesis, 2001.